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What are dental veneers and under what conditions would you recommend them to a patient?

Dental veneers help create a bright, white smile with beautifully aligned teeth. Dental veneers are thin, custom designed shells of tooth-coloured material that are designed to cover the front side of teeth. The two most common materials used in the fabrication of dental veneers are composite resin and porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers typically last longer and look more natural. Porcelain veneers are fabricated in a dental laboratory and are bonded to the teeth with resin cement.

Dental veneers help to create a more natural, great looking smile. Possible conditions of teeth that veneers would help with include:

  1. Worn Enamel: Over time, the enamel may become worn, dulled and discoloured.
  2. Chipped teeth: Teeth naturally wear down with time, creating chips, cracks or a generally uneven appearance.
  3. Spacing between teeth: Some people are born with abnormal spacing between their teeth or teeth that look too small or malformed.
  4. Uneven Teeth: Uneven teeth can result from tooth grinding or general wear and tear.

Dental veneers are esthetically pleasing and can also serve a functional purpose by protecting the surface of a damaged tooth. Once veneers are bonded into place, they are relatively strong and durable. If you are interested in veneers, ask your dentist if veneers are appropriate for you.


High Risk Caries Program

Dentistry on Sinclair is pleased to announce the launch of our High Risk Caries Program. The High Risk Caries Program is a 10 to 12 month program designed to reduce the risk of decay in your mouth. The focus of the program will be an optimization of your homecare routine, including nutritional counselling and exposure to enamel strengthening fluoride.

How Diet Contributes to the Risk of Dental Decay

Each and every time we eat any form of carbohydrate the sugars present in it mix with the bacteria in our mouth to produce an acid attack on our teeth. It is this acid attack that results in tooth decay. The acid attack isn’t over as soon as the food is swallowed—it takes time for the saliva in our mouth to neutralize the acid attack.


  • Sugar
  • Bread/Cereals
  • Cake
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Cough Drops/Antacids
  • Dried Fruit, i.e. raisins
  • Fruit Juices
  • Ice Cream/Frozen fruit treats
  • Jams and Jellies
  • Chocolate milk
  • Granola bars
  • Pudding
  • Soda/Pop (including diet)
  • Sports Drinks i.e. Gatorade
  • Sweetened yogurt
  • Coffee or Tea with sugar


  • Cheese
  • Fresh fruit
  • Meat
  • Nuts
  • Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin)
  • Raw vegetables
  • Unsweetened yogurt
  • Celery with cheese
  • Cheese and crackers (multigrain is best)
  • Unsweetened applesauce
  • Coffee or Tea no sugar
  • Water
  • Popcorn
  • Eggs
  • White milk
  • Hummus/salsa
  • Chips

Where possible avoid foods in the High Risk Category especially between meals because the frequency of consumed high risk foods plays a role in the development of tooth decay. Higher risk foods that are slowly dissolving (i.e. hard candies, lozenges) are the worst for the teeth as the acid attack is prolonged, followed by sticky foods (i.e. jelly beans, fruit chews, pretzels)that are not easily cleared from the mouth, and finally liquids (pop, sports drinks, milk). Higher risk foods should be eaten only as part of a meal and preferably at the start of a meal. When consumed at the end of a meal or as a between meal snack, eat with water and either finish with a piece of cheese or sugarless gum or brush teeth well to decrease the acid attack.

Click here to download our diet analysis
